A Higher Loyalty Audiobook by James Comey [Free Download by Trial]

A Higher Loyalty by James Comey

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A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership by James Comey is a book written by the ex-Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Comey discusses ethics and leadership issues which he faced throughout his professional life. Comey started working on the book after he was sacked from his position by the US President- Donald Trump in May 2017. The author provides his insights and opinion on the US President and his working style. The book is laced with bitchy remarks about his former boss.

Comey comes across as a character for whom total loyalty to the country and its constitution matters the most. The book provides details about his childhood and upbringing in the suburbs of New Jersey and captures his life till his firing as the Director of FBI in 2017. Comey minces no words in describing the actions of Donald Trump. He says that the FBI should be a free and autonomous investigating agency for it to be credible. Comey also justifies his actions of the torture and surveillance programmes under George W. Bush and investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails during the 2016 elections. The book also provides details of Trump’s influencing the inquiry into Michael Flynn-, the former National Security Adviser who confesses to lying about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Donald Trump in response has called Comey as a “slimeball” and someone who will go down in history “as the WORST FBI Director in history, by far!”. Comey insists that he is only reporting the truth and facts as he recalls.


A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership by James Comey received generally positive reviews from the critics. The book is an engrossing read as it comes from a senior government servant and his journey through the corridors of power, his experiences working with different men who shaped him and his adherence to the strict moral codes and laws. Critics also pointed out that a lot which Comey says in his book seems to be true. Comey emerges as an ethical and law-abiding public servant in the book. The book is a recommended read especially for readers having interest in politics.

NY Times
The Guardian
Washington Post


