As a Man Thinketh Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

The readers can download As a Man Thinketh Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


As a Man, Thinketh Audiobook by James Allen focuses on the power of thought in a suggestive manner. The main aim of this book is not to work as an exhaustive guide but rather to help you understand the actual power of thought and perception. The book focuses on the idea that you are what you think you are.

The book is a light read that however does not mean that it is not good enough. It helps you understand why your character and outside circumstances, combined make you who you are. By controlling these 2 aspects of your life, you will be able to control your destiny as well. The book also emphasizes that ignorance and pain, should be shunned in order to progress in life.


As a Man Thinketh Audiobook personally is a book which can help you in becoming more emotionally stable. As a result, you will be able to control your thoughts in a much better way. As a book, it will help you in developing a proper mindset rather than wandering around.

The book is a slower start but as you delve deeper into it, you will realize that the methods, as well as the suggestions which it provides, can actually help you in erasing the negative thoughts and focusing on only the positive. The knowledge which is provided is objective in nature and you can use it according to your inclination.

The book, however, has significant religious overtones. If you do not prefer books with religious overtones, you can give it a miss. However, the knowledge which is inside helps you gain a firm control over your thoughts in a positive way. As a result, it can help you in changing your entire life.

Personally, for me, it is one of those books which are smaller on the content but heavier in the substance. Thus, it is a book which you should definitely attempt to listen to at least one. You can find As a Man Thinketh Audiobook online which makes it easier listen.

The author repeatedly claims that you will only listen and understand this book when you’re completely ready. This is absolutely true. Only when you believe that you will be able to control your thoughts in mind, you will give it a look. I personally am of the opinion that the knowledge inside this book can actually help you in disciplining yourself as well as taking control of your thoughts rather than your thoughts taking control of you.