Born to Run Audiobook by Bruce Springsteen [Free Download by Trial]

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Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

The readers can download Born to Run Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


Born to run audiobook is an autobiography of an inspiring life to fame even with hardships from birth. The author demonstrates how challenges in life do not define lifestyle; how the future rolls is largely influenced by individual attitude and effort towards achieving goals. Nothing replaces positive attitude when it comes to achieving goals and dreams in life. Success in life is not determined by place of birth and nature of the environment. Springsteen’s narration revolves around his successes despite consistent obstacles in life.

Born to run book by Bruce Springsteen analyzes his shame through school and neighborhood but highlights his commitment and search for happiness and meaning to life. As a boy, he grew up in isolation with a weird Irish father who never took time with the family including Bruce. The boy grew with the notion men should be uncommunicative and busy with grown up world. He was distant from family and community; the 30 years, which he describes as adventures of his life are not as interesting as it is supposed to be. It is a lone adventure and struggle to finding meaning to life.

Born To Run book by Bruce Springsteen demonstrates how we can easily be lured to a life of circumstances yet we can live better. Parents have a role in defining life of their children basing on how they carry on their activities. Rage and frustration in life often leads to more distraction in life; Bruce, for instance, explains how speeding was his way of venting; he would terrorize riders, drivers, and all road users to get a fulfillment. The attention he missed from the dad and mistreatment was compensated on strangers. Interestingly, part of him was proud of the violent and emotional behavior. Nature is against such kind of violence, especially against women because to Bruce they were an easy target.


Born to run online is accessible and shares important values to readers; consistency, compassion, honesty, respect, and commitment are key elements to life. Bruce learnt of these virtues from some of his fans with immigrant mothers that could not get attention or respect. The Born To Run audiobook was released in December 2016 that spiked emotional response hence its popularity in the market especially. The thirst for a better life and commitment to achievement of such goals is vital for success, happiness in life.

The Guardian




  • I absolutely adored this book because, after struggling with my ankle for so long, I finally mustered up the courage to start running again. The narrator's captivating and engaging style, accompanied by a clear voice, managed to maintain an intense atmosphere throughout the entire book, even during the more scientific parts!
  • I don't want to come off as overly enthusiastic, but let me tell you, this book is absolutely amazing! I couldn't believe how many eye-opening moments I experienced while listening to it. Honestly, I didn't want to stop and sleep because every sentence made so much sense and connected so many dots. I was afraid that if I missed a point, it would ruin the whole experience. I have to give a huge shout-out to Christopher MacDougall for writing this book. It has completely transformed my running life, debunked a lot of misleading marketing, and helped me overcome long-standing running injuries. By the way, the author also gave an incredible talk on with the same title, but trust me, the book goes into way more depth and provides even more insights than the talk could fit in. This is a must-read for all athletes and highly recommended for everyone.
  • The book was a breeze to listen to and I found myself wrapping it up rather swiftly during my commutes to work. While I'm an avid runner, marathons and any sort of extreme distance running have never crossed my mind. Yet, the author effortlessly captures the joy of running and delves into the motivations that push individuals from all walks of life to regularly tackle distances that most of us would never even consider. This book truly motivated me to loosen up my running style a bit and experiment with some lighter trainers. I'm not quite ready to go "barefoot," but I'm definitely opting for a less bulky option compared to the traditional running shoes I've grown accustomed to.