Bossypants Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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Bossypants by Tina Fey

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Bossypants Audiobook by Tina Fey is life memoir of the American comedian Tina Fey. The book provides an insight into the life of Tina Fey and what and who she is in her real life. The narrative plots the life journey of Tina Fey. The events from her childhood, formative years and how she became a celebrity are all captured in detail. The author discusses her early life, her first job, her television career, marriage, and motherhood. The author does a good job of describing her life journey in a witty and humorous manner for the readers.

Tina Fey is known to be politically left inclined but her views and opinions in the book can be correlated by most of the readers. Fey described her family for the readers. In a witty and humorous chapter, she details the funny instances of her father Don Fey. Fey’s family is humble and grounded for a celebrity’s family. Tina Fey reveals that instead of spending her vacations in the exotic locations, she spends Christmas taking a drive with her husband and daughter visiting her relatives in different locations of the USA.

Fey also details her professional journey and the challenges she had to face to be successful in her profession. She perfectly sums up her attitude in a male-dominated profession. She explains the realities of being a woman in life and a woman in the comedy industry. She is opinionated and highly articulate and knows what she wants from life.


Bossypants Audiobook by Tina Fey received positive reviews. The book topped the New York Best Seller list and stayed there for five weeks after its release. The book had sold more than 2.5 million copies worldwide. The book gives an insight to the readers on who Tina Fey is. The narrative is told in a humorous manner and some of the difficult choices which working women have to make are also discussed in a light-hearted yet effective manner.

The book is filled with sketches of humorous sketches and fun photos. It is a playful book which describes how she has made it big in her profession. The work ethics of Tina Fey which have made her the leading lady of comedy are also discussed in detail in the book. Overall, it is a recommended read for Tina Fey fans.

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