Death Masks Audiobook by Jim Butcher [Free Download]

Death Masks: The Dresden Files, Book 5 by Jim Butcher

The readers can download Death Masks: The Dresden Files, Book 5 Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


Death Masks: The Dresden Files, Book 5 audiobook by Jim Butcher is the fifth book in the Dresden Files series. The war between the White Council of Wizards and the Red Court of Vampire is still on and the casualties are increasing by the day. Dresden is approached by Paolo Ortega, the Duke of the Red Court in a bid to settle the matter in a single combat. Paolo proposes that if he wins, the Red Court will accept the peace offers from the White Council and if Harry Dresden wins, then Chicago will again become a neutral ground.

In other events, the Shroud of Turin is missing and Dresden has been approached for investigating the matter as the thieves have been traced back to Chicago. Suddenly Dresden’s ex-lover Susan comes to meet him. She is half vampire and is struggling with the dark side of her vampire nature. She tells Dresden that she has come to settle the old matters, but Dresden knows that there is more than what meets the eyes.

A body is discovered in a brutal condition and then Dresden is attacked by a powerful demon, which he learns is a fallen angel. As the plot unfolds, Harry Dresden also realizes that he is being followed by the hitmen on the Chicago mafia, for reasons unknown to him. Dresden also learns a prophecy that if he will continue to seek the Shroud, he will die, but if he gives up the investigation, all others will die. Dresden faces a dilemma which is not alien to him.


Death Masks: The Dresden Files, Book 5 audiobook by Jim Butcher takes the story of the Dresden Files forward. The dark world of the vampires and other fantasy elements have been nicely depicted in the book. The author continues to develop the character of Harry Dresden and the readers get more insight into his character with every new book of the series.

The author has introduced new characters in this book. The plot moves forward in a fast-paced manner and the twists and turns will keep the readers engaged in the book. This is a recommended read for the fans of fantasy genre and the readers of the Dresden Files series.

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