Far from the Tree Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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Far from the Tree by Robin Benway

The readers can download Far from the Tree Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


National Book Award Finalist!



  • I was completely engrossed in this audiobook, finding myself rereading passages because they were so captivating. The author's genuine honesty and appreciation for individuality make this book truly one-of-a-kind. Despite the abundance of research and references, it is incredibly easy to read, almost like a work of fiction. After finishing each chapter, I had to take a moment to really absorb the profound insights presented. This book delves into the realm of adult children and identity just as much as it explores the complexities of parenting. By the end of the first section, I was already urging my friends to give this book a read, and my excitement only grew as I made my way through it. Even in sections that I initially thought wouldn't resonate with me, I found myself learning something valuable. Surprisingly, the sections that seemed irrelevant at first turned out to be the most thought-provoking and meaningful. Solomon's interviews with a diverse range of individuals allowed for a multitude of perspectives, and it was clear that he skillfully navigated these differing conclusions, all of which held their own truths.
  • For those intrigued by the psychology of unique parent-child connections, 'Far from the Tree' offers a calm listening experience. It may not grab your attention or completely captivate you, but you can start listening at any moment and easily engage with it, which is quite uncommon for an audiobook. Through this book, I acquired valuable insights about individuals with disabilities and developed a profound admiration for the extraordinary situations depicted within its pages.