Pet Sematary Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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Pet Sematary Audiobook by Stephen King is a classic horror novel published in 1983. Louis Creed, a doctor from Chicago moves to a small town of Maine with his wife Rachel and two children Ellie and Gage and Ellie’s cat- Church, as he is appointed the director of the University of Maine’s campus health service. The family does not have pleasant experience after arriving in Maine. Their new neighbor, an aged man Jud Crandall comes to their help. He also cautions the family about the highway running near their house as it constantly has speeding trucks plying on it.

One day Jud takes the Creed family to a walk to the woods behind his home. A path then leads them to a pet cemetery (misspelled as sematary on the signboard). Jud tells them that children of the town bury their pets here. Rachel is very upset with Louis about visiting the sematary as she thinks it will have a negative impact on the children. One of Louis’ students Victor Pascow dies in an accident. Louis has a dream in which Victor addresses his dying words to him. Victor takes him to the deadfall at the back end of the sematary and warns him never to go beyond it however great the urge to do so is. At that instance, Louis dismisses the dream as an illusion due to the stress from Victor’s death.

After some time Ellie’s cat- Church is dead. Jud takes Louis to the sematary to bury the cat. However, he leads Louis farther to an ancient burial ground used by the Micmac Indians. Jud said that the animals buried there have come back to life. They bury the cat there. Interesting and horrifying events unfold after that which forms the remainder of the plot.


Pet Sematary Audiobook by Stephen King is a dark and horror novel. The story is about death and how different people deal with it. The story moves in a fast-paced manner and keeps the readers engaged. The novel conveys the message sometimes letting go of things is better in life. The human greed of wanting to go further in greed and wanting the near ones to come back to life is depicted in the novel by the author. The novel is a true horror story and the readers having interest in the genre will find it unputdownable.

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