Present over Perfect Audiobook by Shauna Niequist [Free Download]

Present over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist

The readers can download Present over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist is an audiobook compilation of mini-stories and every mini-story has its own plot, insight, tension, and key message. However, it is important to point out that there is a main thread through all the stories, and it is self-permission.

Self-permission is so important in this audiobook that it could be easily called Giving Yourself Personal Permission to be Present over Perfect.

The author best describes this audiobook as a journey from her exhaustion to peace, from her isolation to connection, from hustling and multitasking to a sacred place. She also says that Present over Perfect is also an invitation; it is a hand through all the pages trying to reaching out to you and bringing you to experience your own journey. She prays that this book will give you the opportunity of leaving behind the heavy weight of comparison, competition and exhaustion, and to rebuild your life filled with meaning connection and unconditional love.


In the bestseller, Present over Perfect, the author, Shauna Niequist shows a journey if transformation and growth. Before the transformation, she was sick, exhausted, hurried, and isolated. Her soul was very tired and burned with busy. It was important for her to begin her journey in order to get rid of all those things that affect you, that tire you, that don’t let you either rest or go on.

And she understood the position of so many women, many women that were looking the exact same thing: a connection, love, peace, but instead they just settled with being busy, because being busy distracts you from all these things that you need but don’t have.

Eventually, there came a time when she decided to obtain what she needed. And with these stories, you will be able to live through her journey, an amazing experience of growth and transformation while, at the same time, she invites you to take the opportunity to go on your own journey, to grow, to transform.

There she found a new way of living, a life full of silence, grace, rest, prayer, simplicity and connection with our beloved ones.

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Publishers Weekly
NY Times
