Steve Jobs Audiobook by Walter Isaacson [Free Download by Trial]

Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Isaacson

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Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson is the biography of Steve Jobs. Jobs requested Isaacson to write his biography. The book is based on more than 40 interviews conducted with Jobs by the author. The author also had the privilege of interviewing more than hundred people closely related to Jobs which included family members, friends, colleagues, competitors etc. Jobs urged them to speak honestly about him for the purpose of his biography. As a reason of this untiring and diligent efforts of the author, the biography comes across as surprisingly honest and genuine.

The biography charts the journey of Steve Jobs and the different projects he was involved in. The first part of the book shows how Jobs who was a college drop out went on to head a technology company named Apple and within a short time became a multi-millionaire. He was ousted from Apple and went on to co-found another company NeXT Inc.

The second part of the book details his return back to Apple. This part of the book details his motivation and the passion which lead to designing and launching of highly successful Apple products like the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad etc. The last section of the book deals with Job’s struggle with terminal cancer.

The author provides some funny moments in the biography also. In 2009, Jobs was recovering from pneumonia and a liver transplant. He is lying deeply sedated when the medical staff try to put a mask over his face. Jobs refuses to wear the mask saying he does not like the design. Jobs was hardly able to speak but he orders them to bring five different designs for the mask which will be to his liking. This provides an insight to the control freak nature of Steve Jobs and the readers may assume how he would have been when he was in his prime and in good health.


Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson provides a detailed account of Steve Jobs life. The author has kept the narrative simple and provided different shades of Jobs which will be appreciated by the readers. The book is filled with data and meaningful nuggets on Job’s life.

The book is an interesting read and provides valuable life lessons which can be incorporated in one’s daily lives to make it more meaningful and worth. The biography is magnificently written and is a highly recommended read.

NY Times
