The Coaching Habit Audiobook by Michael Bungay Stanier [Download]

The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever by Michael Bungay Stanier

The readers can download The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever Audiobook by Michael Bungay Stanier is an empowering book for leaders. Coaching has become an important aspect of leadership and development. The author has broken down effective coaching around 7 core principles which are as follows:

The Kickstart Question- “What is on your mind?”

The question breaks the ice and gets the conversation flowing.

The Awe Question- “And What Else?”

This allows to dig deeper and gives better understanding of what is going on. It opens up new possibilities and ideas.

The Focus Question- “What is the real challenge here for you?”

The question helps to highlight the real problem that needs addressing.

The Foundation Question- “What do you want?”

It helps provide clarity on what people want. What is the final output expected by them?

The Lazy Question- “How can I help?”

This question lets the other person do the talking and propose what they want out of us. It is a like a request which they make from us.

The Strategic Question- “If you’re saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?”

Every yes has an opportunity cost. Thus this question also explores if the people are fully committed to the decision or they are jumping in half-heartedly.

The Learning Question-“ What was most helpful to you?”

This question is like a feedback mechanism. It assumes that the coaching was useful to the other person and asks them to reflect on the value they received from the coaching.


The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever Audiobook by Michael Bungay Stanier is a quick and engaging read. The author has written the book like a coaching guide and manual. It has plenty of practical tips which the readers can incorporate to better the coaching skills.

The author makes a clear distinction between giving advice and providing coaching in the book and recommends the later. The book also contains empirical evidence and data on coaching. The book is recommended for readers who want to improve upon their coaching skills.

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