The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify by Francine Jay

The readers can download The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


"An inspiring read for anyone wanting to downsize, finally park the car in the garage, or just clear out a few closets." -Rachel Jonat,




  • This book is a fantastic source of motivation! I went through it again after relocating to a new place, and it's assisting me in creating a cozy living area. What's even better is that my husband, who listened to it too, is now enthusiastic about simplifying his own space.
  • I'm really let down by this book. The author seems to be fixated on this idea of "situational guilt," and it's just not working. Being a minimalist in a developed country doesn't do anything to alleviate poverty elsewhere. It's ridiculous to think that decluttering your closet or organizing your kitchen somehow makes you virtuous and helps the less fortunate. Moreover, it feels like this book is primarily targeted towards people who have more money than they know what to do with. Most people aren't constantly splurging on designer clothes, buying multiple cars, or filling their closets with expensive art. I was hoping to find a book that offered practical, budget-friendly, and creative solutions for organizing and storing my belongings in my limited space. The things I have are essential and necessary, and I wanted guidance on how to manage them effectively. Overall, the book's message of not flaunting affluence doesn't really help those with lower incomes who already have less than the average American. I listened to over an hour of this book, and I genuinely tried to give it a fair chance. But I just can't continue wasting my time on it. My time is even more valuable than my space.
  • I've gone through my fair share of minimalism books, having been on this path for quite some time. In the initial chapters of this book, I must admit I found it rather offensive, but as I delved deeper, I did come across some valuable information in the middle. However, it didn't really offer anything groundbreaking. Towards the end, it started to get a bit preachy. Taking everything into account, I wouldn't exactly put this book at the top of my recommendation list.