Two by Two Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks

The readers can download Two by Two Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


Two by Two Audiobook by Nicholas Sparks highlights the story of the protagonist who goes by the name of Russel Green and he seems to be having everything going for him. He’s a successful advertising executive. He has a lavish home in Charlotte and his marriage with his wife Vivian has been going great as well. They have a 6-year-old daughter to look after. It surely seems like the perfect American family.

On the surface, everything looks great. However, when you look in detail, you will realize that there are quite a few faultlines which start to appear below the surface. Within a few months, he neither has a wife to look after his daughter and neither a job. He plans to enter the world of single parenting. This is an entirely new experience for him and it seems an overwhelming one at the start. However, in his journey, he discovers that there are quite a few rewards along the journey. The question which arises is whether he will be able to overcome the terrifying experiences and uses abilities to become a single father or not. The story is a gripping of his everyday struggle in order to provide a better life for his daughter. Would he be able to marshal his emotional resources in order to do so?


The 1st thing which I like about this book was that each and every aspect of the protagonist’s life was highlighted pretty accurately. Whether it is his feelings are getting worst or the fears which he faces on a day-to-day basis while raising his daughter, all of them are articulated perfectly by the author. However, if you’re one of those who likes to connect with the protagonist in order to enjoy the story, this book will not be able to help you there.

One thing, however, which can be said about Two by Two Audiobook is that the author has captured the entire essence of adulthood and the emotional state of the protagonist perfectly. There is hardly anything which seems out of the place. There seems entirety which is what draws the reader into the story rather than just being a spectator by listening to the Two by Two Audiobook online. The emotional state of a single dad is captured in its entirety and for this reason alone, it is worth a read for each and every adult who is trying to provide better parenting to his/her children.

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