Adultolescence Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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Adultolescence by Gabbie Hanna

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Comedian Gabbie Hanna brings levity to the twists and turns of modern adulthood in this exhilarating debut collection of illustrated poetry.



  • I absolutely loved and was blown away by 'Adultolescence'. The writing and illustrations were absolutely stunning. Gabbie's talent left me feeling a deep sense of heartache, even for relationships I've never experienced. Almost every poem made me say "that's me" in some way. The emotions she evoked took my heart on a rollercoaster ride, lifting it high before letting it plummet, only to save it just in time. It's clear that this book holds immense personal significance for Gabbie, and because of that, it holds an equally special place in my heart.
  • I can't believe how much I adore this book, it's absolutely mind-blowing! Seriously, I love it even more than my favorite meal (did I just utter that?)(hell yeah, I did and I totally mean it).
  • The author of this book is way too hyped up. They really went overboard with the repetition in their writing, and it comes across as unoriginal, like they copied it from other authors. The way the poems are performed is excessive and lacks the smooth flow that's expected in poetry readings.
  • Out of all the poems in 'Adultolescence', I found only a couple that were genuinely captivating. The remaining ones simply gave off the impression of a moody pre-teen. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the poem that consisted of nothing more than the phrase "Link: in bio." Regrettably, I have to pass on this one.
  • I'm a huge fan of her poetry and I just had to reach out and express my gratitude for the amazing impact she has had on my life. Your support and valuable guidance mean the world to me! I can never thank you enough. Your words of inspiration came at a time when I was going through a tough period, and they made all the difference. Trust me, your assistance meant the world to me. Many thanks.
  • Gabbie Hanna, you are seriously such an inspiration! You really make me feel like embracing my inner struggles and expressing gratitude towards the guys who caused me pain. Even though I could've done without those struggles and heartaches, they've ultimately shaped who I am today. Your passion and energy truly shine through in your words, and I can't even begin to express how thrilled I am that your voice is the one accompanying me as I repeatedly listen to this book. I'm definitely going to purchase a copy and mark my favorite parts with highlights and bookmarks. I hope you're cool with that. For those of you who are curious, this book is absolutely incredible. It's hard to put into words just how amazing it is, so my advice is to just experience it for yourself, either by listening to the audiobook or reading it. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.