Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible by Bart D. Ehrman

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Picking up where Bible expert Bart Ehrman's New York Times bestseller Misquoting Jesus left off, Jesus, Interrupted addresses the larger issue of what the New Testament actually teaches'and it's not what most people think. Here Ehrman reveals what scholars have unearthed:



  • Erhman is a highly intelligent individual, possessing impressive scholarly credentials. According to Erhman, the contents of this book may not be considered controversial among experts in biblical scholarship, but they will certainly challenge the average person's views. Despite the controversial nature of his conclusions, Erhman provides substantial evidence to support them, making them difficult to dismiss. This audiobook offers a solid overview of New Testament history, striking a balance between providing clarity and depth, although I personally desired more depth in certain areas. It's a thought-provoking read that may not completely shake the faith of the masses, but it will undoubtedly raise numerous questions. While it's a good audiobook overall, I believe it would have been even better if narrated by the author themselves.
  • It's difficult to dispute the well-thought-out and meticulously presented research of Professor Ehrman. The clarity is truly remarkable, though it's unfortunate that those deeply ingrained in their beliefs may never truly grasp or even entertain the thought-provoking questions posed by this book.
  • After immersing myself in Bart Ehrman's "Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible," I can't help but feel like a clueless fool. And here I am, an educated, open-minded, and well-traveled adult. It's almost infuriating how easily I allowed myself to be influenced... But damn, Ehrman's writing style is so accessible, and his wealth of information never fails to impress. As I listened to this audiobook with my headphones on, my partner had to endure my frequent outbursts of "What!" and uncontrollable bursts of laughter, not to mention the occasional facepalm. It just hits you that hard. If you have any concerns about this book shaking your faith, I suggest starting with the last chapter. Trust me, it won't damage your beliefs unless you want it to! The narrator is absolutely perfect. Their voice is so captivating, I'm afraid I'd be taken aback if I ever had the chance to meet Mr. Ehrman in person! Now that I've finished the 15-hour journey, I'm already itching to download my next audiobook.