Stein on Writing: A Master Editor Shares His Craft, Techniques, and Strategies Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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Stein on Writing: A Master Editor Shares His Craft, Techniques, and Strategies by Sol Stein

The readers can download Stein on Writing: A Master Editor Shares His Craft, Techniques, and Strategies Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


The master editor of some of the most successful writers of our century shares his craft techniques and strategies, including how to fix writing that is flawed, how to improve writing that is good, and how to create interesting writing in the first place.



  • Stein on Writing: A Master Editor, with his extensive knowledge and experience, offers a highly valuable resource for individuals seeking to improve their writing and communication skills. This book provides practical insights and strategies to effectively engage and captivate readers with concise and compelling language. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone looking to enhance their ability to convey messages in a clear and engaging manner. Thanks for taking the time to read my review! Take care and goodbye for now.
  • After experiencing both Sol Stein and Ayn Rand, I have to say that Stein takes the crown. I've given his insights a listen multiple times, and every time I do, I discover new nuggets of advice that I had overlooked before. One aspect I appreciate is how he distinguishes between fiction and nonfiction. Additionally, his inclusion of stories about esteemed writers who faced setbacks at the start of their careers but had the wisdom to listen to the guidance of experts adds a relevant touch. Stein's work proves that one doesn't need to possess innate brilliance to achieve brilliant writing.
  • The nubs on our keyboard, those little finger grabbers on the f and j keys, play a crucial role in preventing us from typing nonsensical codes. Take a moment to feel them - you know, those tiny bumps under the pads of your fingers. Now, close your eyes and imagine twirling them around in your mind. Their physical presence transforms into a tactile sensation. And that's exactly what reading "Stein on Writing" is all about. This book delves into the art of writing - the author emphasizes that once a writer's work is released into the world, the artist becomes dispensable. What remains are the emotions and facts that revolve around the readers, like ethereal vapors that seep into their thoughts and emotions. However, sometimes the artist struggles to make this connection happen, or doesn't know how to do it at all. Sol Stein not only teaches how to be a writer, but also, and perhaps more importantly, how to be an audience. Does he do it well? Well enough that I've listened to "Stein on Writing" twice, and I've even ordered the physical book itself so that I can annotate, scribble, highlight, and dog-ear its pages. This way, the next time I feel those tiny nubs beneath my fingertips, I'll be able to write in a way that makes me, but not my writing, dispensable. Christopher Lee's narration is flawless.
  • Sol Stein, who has an impressive background in editing, presents a writing guide that is not only knowledgeable but also displays genuine humility towards the authors he has collaborated with. His understanding of character development, plot construction, and thematic exploration is truly remarkable. What sets him apart is his ability to convey precise information without coming off as overly pedantic, and his structured approach that never feels formulaic. For aspiring writers, the invaluable insights, ideas, and principles he shares are a must-have.
  • Stein hits you hard with example after example of exceptional writing. The book keeps your attention because it's captivating. Suddenly, it dawns on you that you picked this up as a manual to aid your own writing, and you eagerly return to his entertaining presentation to dissect every valuable piece of writing advice. This author is someone who has achieved success in writing novels, plays, and non-fiction. Furthermore, he has even developed software for fiction writing, edited books by renowned authors like Jack Higgins, and led a thriving publishing company. From the very first paragraphs until the final page, you experience a truly unique encounter with a successful critic, editor, writer, and observer who skillfully employs all of his talents in crafting this book.
  • ...His self-centered viewpoints seep into his writing and it becomes quite irksome. Although the guidance he provides is excellent for writers at any level - whether they are novices or experienced - you can find the same advice in other writing books without Stein's condescending demeanor. I don't regret purchasing this book, but I could have done without it. If you're interested in writing fiction, I suggest getting similar instructional works by K.M. Wieland or "Writing Great Fiction" by the Great Courses. They cover practically everything in this book, but without the attitude. The narration was superb. Christopher Lane presents the text as if it were spoken by the author himself.